The Hermit Crab

Autumn is one of my favorite seasons of the year. Its cool weather marks the end of the sweltering days of summer. The spring foliage, once lush and green, are replaced with Mother Nature’s grandest and most spectacular rainbow of red, orange, and yellow hues. And as her brilliant leaves wither and trees descend into a deep slumber, the child in me awakes to the promise of the much anticipated holiday lights and festivities that are on the cusp of commencing.

Unfortunately, autumn also symbolizes the start of the ailing season when we fall prey to many crippling and inconvenient maladies. The aches, fevers, and coughs are like the unwelcomed guests that visit our humble abode and wreck havoc during their stay. Through modern medicine, some of these unwanted visitors are preventable. The seasonal influenza (flu), for example, can be significantly minimized or entirely prevented through immunization. However, with last year’s H1N1 media blowout, there seems to be uncertainties surrounding the vaccination. Are there any benefits to vaccinating?

If I received a dime for every time a friend asks what my opinion on the flu vaccination is, I would be writing this post on the white sandy beaches of Bora Bora, with the gentle breezes of the Pacific Ocean kissing my cheeks, while blowing my salt-encrusted damp hair dry. Off in the distance would be the breathtaking view of the setting sun, juxtaposed against the magnificent blue horizon – the perfect backdrop for me to dreamily stare at a lost hermit crab waddling along the shoreline before being swept up by the rhythmic waves of the ocean, as I enjoy a refreshing young coconut elixir topped with one of those fancy schmancy umbrellas. But, I digress.

Feeling rather excited about my choice of blogging subject, I asked my husband, “How would you feel if I blogged about my views on the flu vaccination?”

Like the yang to my yin, rather than sharing my enthusiasm, he was apprehensive. He warned, and I paraphrase, "It's so controversial. I wouldn’t do that."

His recommendation not to broach said topic was all the encouragement I needed. Tempted as I am, my husband is an astute man, and I would do well to heed his warning – even if just partially. Then, what are my thoughts on the flu vaccination? Before I answer, I’d like to share a recent event involving my older son.

A few days ago, my husband, the boys (King A and Lord R), and I were on our way to my parents for dinner. The moment we stepped foot inside their home, from the corners of my eyes, I saw King A bend over and unload the contents of his dinner all over the tile floor. Oh no! My husband immediately snapped me out of my shocked stupor to tend to our son. I quickly handed the infant in my arms to my brother, ran into the kitchen for a plastic bag, and dashed back to King A just in time to catch the remaining contents of his partially digested meal.

Forgotten were the rancid, yet “peanutty,” smell of his vomit and the speckles of undigested food (probably peanuts, too) that covered King A’s mouth and my hands, as I settled next to him holding the bag over his mouth while he purged. I was deeply distraught and pained at not being able to offer him any immediate relief. I could only offer soft-spoken words of comfort, "It's alright sweetie, take your time. You're such a brave boy. Mommy's proud of you." What I wouldn't trade to see his infectious smile reach his eyes. Instead, I witnessed a vulnerable and scared child, whose complexion was ghostly pale, and chest was uncontrollably and painfully dry heaving.

With beautiful and overflowing, tear-filled eyes, he casted me a despairing look with the unspoken expression, "Mommy, I’m hurt. Make it go away." before succumbing to more laborious heaving. Beads of sweat began to form on the top of his flawless forehead showing the signs of an extremely exhausted child. I waited as he violently retched over and over again, until the only things remaining were bile and saliva. I knew then, without a grain of doubt, that I did not want him to go through this again.

A vulnerable hermit crab diligently carries its shell for protection against the forces of nature; my family vaccinates to carry an invisible shield for protection against the seasonal flu. My decision is based on these important factors: we are not allergic to the influenza vaccine; by getting vaccinated, we are protected against high fever, pneumonia, diarrhea, seizures, and other health illnesses that result from a weakened immune system; and, this is solely my maternal opinion, but I foolishly only wish to see my children in a state of mischief and never misery. Despite my resolution, I encourage you to make this decision based on your own personal values. Don’t let biased opinions from the uninformed dictate what is right for you – my smart and beloved readers.

As for King A, he bounced back to his bubbly self soon after the event. I welcomed the return of my mischievous son, the one who can spit all over me and still make me love him even more.

Stay happy and healthy during this susceptible flu season. And, the next time you're leisurely strolling outdoors, take a moment to enjoy the beautiful masterpiece that only Mother Nature can create.
More information on the seasonal influenza vaccine
  • Ask your healthcare provider.
  • Call your local or state health department. 
  • Contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): 
For children over six (6) months of age


VuProductions said...

You don't know this, but he was playing the Wii afterwards.

ickyBINKY said...

Dear Ronnieistheman: Haha - thank you for sharing. Thank God King A is so resilient. It's a wonder how he survives my inexperience and clumsy child rearing skills.

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